Book of Heb. 8:13 calls Torah ''old'' and ''decaying'' G'od forbid 😡 ....and claims that by ''accepting jzs'' we enter some kind of ''new and better'' relationship with G-od...
Some Xtians try to bring a proof for that from Jer. 31, stating that it shows that some kind of ''new-improved'' covenant will be brokered between G'od and us.
However when we read the words describing the 'new covenant' in Isaiah 31:31, we'll see it states that the ''newness'' of this future covenant consists of our assidous heartfelt acceptance of G'ods COMMANDMENTS!
There is nothing ANYWHERE in the Tanakh or even in the Talmud, about all mitzvas being substittuted for some allegiance to some supernatural J'man....
The nature of this ''new covenant'' is clearly described:
-G'ods law will be imbued in our hearts, and kept not as mere technical dry rituals, but will be understood on emotional as well as on intellectual level.
♦To such objection, most Xtians respond that their acceptance of J'man brings one to exactly such relationship with G'od.♦
my proof that their claim is spurious is three-fold:
1. historically we see clearly that those who followed Jzs, they didnt magically become some angelic sinless beings, but in fact they overwhelmingly were bloodthirsty savages who murdered and oppressed Jews and pagans, and even other christians.
So we see that accepting jzs isn't some magical transforming panacea to suddenly become a kind God-fearing person. Historical data speaks for itself.
2. Torah is clear what G-od wants from us- good deeds and specific observances, such as charity, chastity, humility, shabbat, kosher, festivals, etc....
Nowhere in Torah is it mentioned that the ''only'' way to establish relationship with G'od is through accepting some additional condition- (that Jzs was a messiah or an incarnation of the divine, etc)
Xtians are likely to quote Deut. 18:18 about being commanded to follow a future prophet who'll be ''like unto Moses''....
However ''following'' a prophet does not include worshipping him as 'god', which is clearly a transgression of the Decalogue.
jzs clearly was NOT 'almighty' or 'omniscient' or 'timeless'. Go'd is.
The Decalogue, as well as Deut.4:15-20, clearly forbids worship of any creation.
3. an overwhelming theme throughout Tanakh is not the worship of any individual as a condition to be forgiven, but a clear arrival of the MESSIANIC ERA: world peace, unity, rebuilding of Zion, return of righteous kingdom of David, and re-establishment of Temple services(which is something jzs was expressly DISSINTERESTED in).
Clearly Jzs did NOTHING to ensue an era of world peace-or of rebuilt Temple.
Hence I'd rather view Jzs' actions as COUNTERPRODUCTIVE to the above achievements.
(Wouldn't it render Jzs the ''antichrist''? 🤔)....
★What about Isaiah 53, the 'righteous servant'?
♦-i personally don't see how Jzs can be considered an epitomy of ''serving G-od''.
I'm not aware of ANY halachic jew who both keeps Torah while ''pledging allegiance'' to Jzs.
There are some ''jews4jzs'' individuals who claim to keep Torah, but upon close investigation they either admit they arent halachically jewish, or they don't REALLY keep shabbat and other mitzvas properly. (They might say they ''try'', but they''ll honestly admit they do NOT 100% abstain from all labor, or they don't wear tefillin/tzitzit etc....
So, ipso facto, we see that Jzs has not ''brought Israel to Torah'' as the true messiah will (See Jer.33:16-18), or Isaiah 56:6-7, about all nations coming to praise G'od's Name in His Temple.
★Is Jzs the best example of serving G'od? Faaaaaar from it!
~Instead of leading his flock, as most righteous rabbis do, he allowed himself to be captured by the romans, and upon allegedly surviving his crucifiction, he just absconded, leaving them confused and detracked.
>>>>>Mere three years of controversial rabble-rousing isn't a very good role model of a national messianic leader¡¡¡¡¡
♣''Sufferring''? Millions of godly folks have sufferred much much more in their lives than Jzs' six hours onbthe cross toward the end of his life....
....and Jzs' brief 33 years on earth don't qualify as ''prolonged life''.
•question: can Israel as a whole nation be collectivelly considered as ''G'ods servant'' personified? Can we say that the ENTIRE NATION was ever 'wholly righteous''?
---The answer is, YES! The prophets predict, that in the messianic era, there will be a wholly righteous remnant, who will repent and thus be considered 100% righteous.
Honestly and objectivelly, Jzs' actions are not the best example to follow:
~a bachelor intinerant preacher, who had antagonized the Torah sages, was rejected by his own family as messiah (book of Mark 3:21-22, John 7:5) and who had left behind centuries of warfare and division.....???
♥Torah is full of a lot of inspiring , much BETTER examples of serving G'od and serving humanity:
•humble long-sufferring Moses who was entrusted with leading a nation of slaves from Egypt to Sinai (from age 80-120!!!!!!)
•Aaron, who selflessly stood at his younger brother's side even when G-od took his two sons....
•David, of humble beginnings, and despite a grevious sin, has repented and was therefore considered wholly righteous...
•Joseph who withstood being carnally tempted who remained faithfull to Go'd...
•Abraham, who has on his own purged himself from the mire of idol worship, and imbued his descendants with divine love and fear....
So in summary, Jzs hasnt achieved anything messianic, and hasnt displayed any objective leadership qualities...
★ NT in many places disparages G'od's Torah, and Go'd's laws as inferior to Jzs worship,
and paints them as ''dry rabbinical soulless inventions'', as in Heb.8:13,
(or for example in Gal. when it disparages the physical circumcision as not one of G'od's commandments)
Isaiah should be Jeremiah. Great blog though!