Torah is the holiest and most carefully preserved scriptures in existence. It was immediately written down by Moses, and the revelation was seen by the entire jewish nation. Xians and Muslims consider the Torah an eternal Truth.
Koran was given to pagan arabs that they might grasp and appreciate torah's awesome holiness to entire humanity.
Surah 46:12 openly states that.
Any muslim who fails to respect the torah we have today, is not really submitted to Gd's will.
28:43 plainly calls Moses' Torah as a guide to all humanity as well...
Quran 46:12 states "And before it was the scripture of Moses to lead and as a mercy. And this (quran) is a confirming Book in Arabic tongue to warn those who are wronged, and as good tidings to the doers of good."
It is clear, that quran wasn't meant to 'replace' the torah, but to affirm and validate it to the arab tribes who at that time were pagans!!!
The truth revealed in the Torah is seen as a guidance for Muslims (10:94)'' Now, if you are in doubt concerning what We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Book before you. It is the truth that has come to you from your Lord, so do never become one of those who doubt''.
Go'ds word spoken to Moses was on a higher, more direct level than to Mohamed or other prophets, (sura 4:163-164)
Similarly, when Allah saved jews from pharaoh king of egypt, surah 7:137 says that people who seemed weak (jews) inherit the land which Gd blessed and the word of Gd is fulfilled through children of israel ''because they bore their suffering patiently''.
So Jews returning to Israel is a fulfillment of both Torah and Koran.
''We did indeed aforetime give the Book to Moses: be not then in doubt of its reaching (thee): and We made it a guide to the Children of Israel. ( سورة السجدة , Quran, As-Sajda, Chapter #32, Verse #23)''
Koran was given to pagan arabs that they might grasp and appreciate torah's awesome holiness to entire humanity.
Surah 46:12 openly states that.
Any muslim who fails to respect the torah we have today, is not really submitted to Gd's will.
28:43 plainly calls Moses' Torah as a guide to all humanity as well...
Quran 46:12 states "And before it was the scripture of Moses to lead and as a mercy. And this (quran) is a confirming Book in Arabic tongue to warn those who are wronged, and as good tidings to the doers of good."
It is clear, that quran wasn't meant to 'replace' the torah, but to affirm and validate it to the arab tribes who at that time were pagans!!!
The truth revealed in the Torah is seen as a guidance for Muslims (10:94)'' Now, if you are in doubt concerning what We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Book before you. It is the truth that has come to you from your Lord, so do never become one of those who doubt''.
Go'ds word spoken to Moses was on a higher, more direct level than to Mohamed or other prophets, (sura 4:163-164)
Similarly, when Allah saved jews from pharaoh king of egypt, surah 7:137 says that people who seemed weak (jews) inherit the land which Gd blessed and the word of Gd is fulfilled through children of israel ''because they bore their suffering patiently''.
So Jews returning to Israel is a fulfillment of both Torah and Koran.
''We did indeed aforetime give the Book to Moses: be not then in doubt of its reaching (thee): and We made it a guide to the Children of Israel. ( سورة السجدة , Quran, As-Sajda, Chapter #32, Verse #23)''
''We did
aforetime give Moses the (Book of) Guidance, and We gave the book as inheritance to the Children of israel, (
سورة غافر ,
Ghafir, Chapter #40, Verse #53)''
Jews’ return to the Promised Land:
[2:25] Give good news to those
who believe and lead a righteous life that they will have gardens with flowing
streams. When provided with a provision of fruits therein, they will say,
"This is what was provided for us previously."
Go’d commands Children of Israel to enter Jerusalem, Jewish holy city:
[2:58] Recall that we said,
"Enter this town, where you will find as many provisions as you like. Just
enter the gate humbly, and treat the people nicely. We will then forgive your
sins, and increase the reward for the pious."
[2:82] As for those (Jews) who believe,
and lead a righteous life, they will be the dwellers of gardens; they shall
dwell in it forever.
Command the Israelites not to give up
their Promised Land:
[2:84] We made a covenant with
you, that you shall not shed your blood, nor shall you evict each other from
your homes. You agreed and bore witness.
[2:85] Yet, here you are
killing each other, and evicting some of you from their homes, banding
against them sinfully and maliciously. Even when they surrendered, you
demanded ransom from them. Evicting them was prohibited for you in the first
Do you believe in part of the scripture and disbelieve in part? What
should be the retribution for those among you who do this, except humiliation
in this life, and a far worse retribution on the Day of Resurrection? G.OD is
never unaware of anything you do.
Reference to
Jerusalem, a ‘Place of PEACE’ to all!
[2:125] We have rendered the
shrine a focal point for humanity, and a safe sanctuary. You may use
Abraham's shrine as a prayer house. We commissioned Abraham and Ismail:
"You shall purify My House for those who visit, those who live there, and
those who bow and prostrate."
[2:126] Abraham prayed:
"My Lord, make this a PEACEFUL PLACE, and provide its people with fruits.
Provide for those who believe in GO.D and the Last
Day." (Go.d) said, "I will also provide for those who
disbelieve. I will let them enjoy, temporarily, then commit them to the
retribution of Hell, and a miserable destiny."
(JeruSALEM is referred to as
‘Salem’=meaning PEACE in the first Five Books of Moses, and as ‘JERUsalem’ in
the Prophets. The word 'Jerusalem' isn't directly mentioned by name in Quran at all, only indirectly.
((muslims are later commanded
to CHANGE the direction of their prayer, from Jerusalem, to Mecca, to
underscore Go.d’s Omnipresence))
and All of HUMANITY)))
[2:142] The fools among the people would say, "Why did they change the direction
of their Qiblah?"* Say, "To G.OD belongs the east
and the west; He guides whoever wills in a straight path." [2:143] We thus
made you an impartial community, that you may serve as witnesses among the
people, and the messenger serves as a witness among you. We changed the
direction of your original Qiblah only to distinguish those among you who
readily follow the messenger from those who would turn back on their heels. It
was a difficult test, but not for those who are guided by GO.D. GOD never
puts your worship to waste. G..OD is Compassionate towards the
people, Most Merciful.
[5:12] G.OD had
taken a covenant to the Children of Israel, and we raised among them twelve
patriarchs. And G.OD said, "I am with you, so long as you
observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), give the obligatory
charity (Zakat), and believe in My messengers and respect them, and
continue to lend G.OD a loan of righteousness. I will then remit
your sins, and admit you into gardens with flowing streams.
Anyone who disbelieves after this, has indeed strayed off the right path."
[5:21] "O my people,
enter the holy land that G.OD has decreed for you, and do not
rebel, lest you become losers."
(then Quran describes how it was delayed
for 40 years, but, contrary to wishful thinking of many muslims, it was never
abrogated. Indeed as the Torah describes, Israelites entered the promised land
with Joshua)
Spoils of war are considered lawful:
[8:69] Therefore, eat from the
spoils you have earned that which is lawful and good, and observe G.OD. GO.D is
Forgiver, Most Merciful.
Jews are to inherit the holy land:
[7:136] Consequently, we
avenged their actions, and drowned them (the Egyptians) in the sea. That is
because they rejected our signs, and were totally heedless thereof.
[7:137] We let the
oppressed people (Israelites) inherit the land, east and west, and we blessed
it. The blessed commands of your Lord were thus fulfilled for the
Children of Israel, to reward them for their steadfastness, and we annihilated
the works of Pharaoh and his people and everything they harvested.
(سورة يونس ,Quran, Yunus,
Chapter #10,
Verse #93) And We verily did allot unto the Children
of Israel a fixed abode, and did provide them
with good things; and they differed not until the knowledge came unto them. Lo!
thy Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that
wherein they used to differ.
Israelites’ future redemption
and rebuilding of third
[17:4] We addressed the Children of Israel in
the scripture: "You will commit gross evil on earth, twice. You are
destined to fall into great heights of arrogance.
[17:5] "When the first
time comes to pass, we will send against you servants of ours who possess great
might, and they will invade your homes. This is a prophecy that must come to
[17:6] "Afterwards, we
will give you a turn over them, and will supply you with a lot of wealth and
children; we will give you the upper hand.
[17:7] "If you work
righteousness, you work righteousness for your own good, but if you commit evil
you do so to your own detriment. Thus, when the second time comes to pass, they
will defeat you and enter the Temple (masjid), just as they did the
first time. They will wipe out all the gains you had accomplished."
[17:8] Your Lord will
shower you with His mercy. But if you revert to transgression, we will
counter with retribution. We have designated Gehenna as a final abode for the
Future ingathering of exiles:
[17:104] And we said to the
Children of Israel afterwards, "Go live in this land. When the final
prophecy comes to pass, we will summon you all in mixed multitude."
The Destruction of Egypt and a
Promise to Inherit Land of Israel
[26:59] Then we made an
inheritance for the Children of Israel.
In sura 7:161 Jews again are told to enter Jerusalem!
Moses and Aaron warned Pharaoh: (20:47)
''So go ye unto him and say:
Lo! we are two messengers of thy Lord. So let the children of Israel go with
us, and torment them not. We bring thee a token from thy Lord. And peace will
be for him who follows the right guidance.
ReplyDeleteThe Qur'an affirms that Allah revealed His word to previous prophets and messengers in the form Torah (Pentateuch), Zabur (Psalms) and Injeel (Gospels) and which was written down in the form of books. The Qur'an testifies to the truth and authenticity of all the previous Scriptures and claims that all these heavenly books are a guidance, blessing and light to all the people of the world. All are to believe in these Scriptures. (Sura 2,91,136,285; 3:3,84; 4:47, 136,163; 5:44-46, 66, 68; 7:145; etc.)
All these heavenly books were in existence when the Qur'an was revealed. Jews and Christians read them, studied them, taught them, and here in above quoted verses from Quran, they were exhorted to hold fast to them(5:66,68).
Thus the Qur'an speaks of these two communities as readers of the Scriptures or "the People of the Scripture" (ahlu'l kitab) (ahlu'l kitab 2:44, 121; 5:43;etc.) not readers of the false Scriptures or "the People of the False Scripture".
The Torah is to judge the Children of Israel. (5:43). The Christians are to judge by the Gospel(5:47).
If Arabs doubt Muhammad's message, they are to appeal to the People of the Scripture.(16:43)
If Muhammad himself is in doubt, he too should ask the readers of the previous Scriptures.
Verse 10:94; So if you are in doubt, [O Muhammad], about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you. The truth has certainly come to you from your Lord, so never be among the doubters.
Verse 6:114: [Say], "Then is it other than Allah I should seek as judge while it is He who has revealed to you the Book explained in detail?" And those to whom We [previously] gave the Scripture know that it is sent down from your Lord in truth, so never be among the doubters.
With all these verses advocating the authenticity of Torah (Tawrat) and the Gospel (Injil), how can Islam say that the bible is changed?
The xian testament affirms the torah as well, ex. Matthew 5:18-19 states plainly that the Gd's comanndments as revealed in the Torah, are always to be practiced.
ReplyDeleteLuke 16:17, ''But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away, than for one stroke of a letter in the law to be dropped.''
ReplyDelete1 john 2:3-4 And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments. 4 Whoever says "I know him" but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him...