Those muslims ignore clear BIBLICAL verses in Genesis 22, that it was ISAAC, not Ishmael, being bound on Abraham's altar.
True, Ishmael was already here when Isaac was born, yet curiously Torah refers to Isaac, in G-od's own words, as Abraham's ''ONLY BELOVED'' son.
The explanation can be understood through •Gen.17:20-21• where Abraham's covenant is specified by Go-d as going thru Isaac and Jacob, NOT Ishmael.
Yes, Ishmael himself was °blessed° with material abundance in Gen.17:20, yet the SPIRITUAL covenant goes through Isaac and Jacob!
Why is that? in quran 2:124, Abraham asks Allah if ALL of his descendants will be considered as part of his covenant. The answer Abraham is given is: NOT THOSE WHO AREN'T RIGHTEOUS.
It is a well known fact, that Ishmael's descendants did NOT worship Go'd, but became POLYTHEISTS. It took about 2,000 years until Muhamed, for the Arabs to join the Jews in monotheism.... That's why Ishmael, even though Abraham's firstborn, was NOT considered as such, and was not counted as the conduit for G-ods covenant with Abraham. (Gen.17:20-21)
And that's why, even though quran doesn't say *which* son was bound at Abraham's altar on what will become the Temple Mount (which the izlamists today occupy)
,quran in sura 11:71 calls Isaac a ''son of glad tidings''.
When Abraham stands at his test of obedience to sacrifice his son, in sura 37:101-102, the same phrase ''son of glad tidings'' is used, just as by Isaac's birth, even though his name isn't openly stated.
So, Torah is crystal clear, that even though Ishmael was older, it was Isaac considered as ''son of glad tidings' and part of Abraham's covenant with G'od, no matter how many muslims will deny their own quran's hint and the clear biblical verses.
♠Similarly, in quran 2:125, the verse commands Abraham's and Ishmael's descendants to rebuild G-od's House of prayer ''for the nations''.
It does not state ''for the muslims'', but ''for the NATIONS''
--just as the famous prophecy of Isaiah 56:6-7, which calls the future Jerusalem Temple, which will be rebuild with G'od's help, on the very same spot Abraham stood while binding ISAAC (not Ishmael) on the altar, as a ''House of Prayer for all NATIONS''.
Not just for the jews, not only for the muslims, but for ALL NATIONS who come desiring to serve the Creator.
So even though muslim commentators state that the 'House of Prayer for the Nations' in quran 2:125 refers to mecca, i believe it commands Muslims to bury their blind irrational hate toward Israel, and join Israel in rebuilding the House of Prayer predicted in Isaiah 56:6-7, making the al Aqsa mosque into a third Temple, where offerrings and prayers of ALL nations will be brought, not just muslims.
Further proof that sura 2:125 refers to Jerusalem Temple, not Mecca:
verses 2:145-150 talk about Muhamed being commanded to ''turn away from the ORIGINAL QIBLA (which was the Jerusalem Temple), toward Mecca.
So if the verses in 2:145-150 refer to the SECOND qibla of Mecca,
it stands to reason that the FIRST, UNNAMED ''House of Prayer 'of Abraham's standing'' refers to the ORIGINAL Jerusalem qibla, where the Jews used to perform THEIR hajj, tawaf, jamaat, sajada and salat!
•Verse 2:125 refers to ''enclosed worship'', depending on which translation is used.
~We know that historically, the Jewish Temple was an ENCLOSURE, whereas the kaaba is more of an outdoor place, even though some important personas are allowed inside kaaba.
So.... there u have it, an unnamed ''Place of worship for the NATIONS'', in place of ''Abraham's standing'', to celebrate ''enclosed'' service....
Jews have ALWAYS been praying and making pilgrimage (hajj) to JERUSALEM, (ex. Daniel 6:10), and engaging in tawaf, jamaat, sajada and salat in Jerusalem Temple, while Muslims were commanded to TURN AWAY toward Mecca.
But perhaps Muslims could bury their politically motivated hatred, and one day, for G-od's glory, join Israel in rebuilding a House of Prayer for ALL NATIONS,
...proving that in spite of a 2,000 year span of paganism, they too are spiritual descendants of Abraham's legacy, along with the Children of Isaac and Jacob, also known as Israel. ☮
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