Torah in quran
✡Quran verses about Torah being correct guidance for ALL generations✡
2:40-41 G-od's unique covenant with Children of Israel.
2:50 Torah is true guidance.
2:53 Torah is to be remembered as criterion and guidance.
''And recall that We gave Moses the Scripture and the Criterion, so that you may be guided.''
2:62 righteous Jews need not fear punishment.
2:63 Torah is rightful guidance.
2:65 Allah curses those who do not observe Shabbat!
2:66 Torah guidance for future generations to fear Allah.
2:83 there is righteous remnant which keeps Torah.
2:87 a succession of messangers preserved previous message (Torah)
2:106 Torah will not be forgotten.
2:112 those who do good have no need to fear punishment.
''In fact, whoever submits himself to God, and is a doer of good, will have his reward with his Lord—they have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.''
♦2:121 ''Those to whom We have given the Scripture (Torah) follow it, as it ought to be followed—these believe in it. But as for those who reject it—these are the losers.
2:124. ''And when his Lord tested Abraham with certain words, and he fulfilled them. He said, “I am making you a leader of humanity.” He said, “And my descendants?” He said, “My pledge does not include the wrongdoers.”
♣~ Where Ishmael's descendant's righteous?
No! Between Abraham and Muhamed there was •TWENTY CENTURIES• of pagan idol worship ☠
2:142 Jews have ALWAYS been praying and making pilgrimage toward Jerusalem Temple, whereas Muhamed ''was commanded'' to turn AWAY from Jerusalem toward Mecca (sura 2:143-150)
♥2:146 Jews recognize Torah as well as their own children!!!!
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