Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Lip Service vs. True Service
This so surreal! Moses brought down Go'ds message- the Creator of Heaven and Earth cares about us, and wants us to be good and peacable to each other! Go'd also provided some rituals to sanctify our mundane activities- to envelop us in a state of higher consciousness and awareness of Divinity.
A certain jewish fellow named Jzs arrived, who was very angry about not enough effort being expanded on 'loving' each other. He insisted that only through his approach can we become close to Go'd. He was so full of ANGER at jews not 'loving' Go'd & each other, that he inspired the non jews into... proclaiming him a ''god of love and peace'', who, as they conveniently understood, had abolished the sanctifying rituals given by Go'd. But the stubborn Jews refused to abandon their Go'd's Torah, who after all took the jews out of slavery and instructed Moses personally about sanctifying our life on earth. Jews were so ''stubborn'' in refusing to bow to the christain 'god of peace and love', that the chrisitians were forced to kill millions of those stubborn jews... and to forcibly convert jews into chrisitainity (-even though chrsitianity is supposedly 'affirming' of the truth of Go'ds covenant with israel)
Next came mohamet... He too, was very proud of himself for 'affirming' the jewish scriptures, and for spreading the message of monotheism to his pagan brethren.
But he was very disappointed that the jews refused to accept him as Go'ds latest messanger, even though he 'affirmed' their scriptures!!! His book, quran, which he said was dictated to him by an angel, was full of stories known from the jewish Torah, although too it was full of paragraphs calling jews ''killers of prophets'' and ''lying sinners''...
Since jews were such 'sinful liers' and such 'killers of prophets'', (even though quran does not specify which prophets jews supposedly killed), mohamet's followers felt justified in forcibly converting thousands of jews to islam (-even though islam is supposedly ''affirming of Jewish scriptures), and overtaking their cities...
So... christians accuse jews of not having enough 'brotherly love', and to make jews more open to christian concept of biblical love, they slaughtered and forcibly baptized millions of innocent loyal jewish souls into service of 'humanoid incarnation' of Limitless Creator... (yes, it does sound illogical)
And muslims... were so outraged at 'jewish violence' described in quran, (at killing all those unnamed prophets), that they too killed, forcibly converted and oppressed jews, by the millions, all in the name of ''curing them'' of their ''sinful violence''...
And of course, both christians and muslims continue to base the validity of THEIR religion on the original established tradition of children of israel, as transmitted NATIONALLY from Sinai, from Go'd Himself -to those very jews accussed of being so 'disloyal'...
So both xians and muslims continue accussing each other of perverting Go'ds original covenant (Torah), while totally ignoring actual OBSERVANCE of the very same Torah they supposedly ''affirm''...
Christians claim that Torah's purpose has been accomplished already- since all those nations have 'affirmed' Go'ds Torah covenant...not through practicing Go'ds law (that wouldn't be ''loving enough'') but through 'accepting' the human known as Jzs as 'Limitless Timeless Creator'...
Muslims claim that they are the most ''inclusive'' since they ''accept'' Jzs as 'messiah' and also other prophets, and they ''affirm'' Go'ds Torah, even though muslims don't actually practice the Torah, but they certainly 'affirm' it... and they are extremely insulted at jews continuing their adherence to Torah, WITHOUT ''affirming the affirmation'' of the muslim messanger mohamet!!!
''How dare the jews keep their Torah while rejecting mohamet -who took the trouble to affirm the jewish prophets!!!
...So muslims accuse the jews of ''changing the Torah'' while symultaneously being angry at them... for NOT accepting the CHANGES brought by mohamet!
...And the christians continue accusing jews of concentrating on 'technical details' instead of being 'spiritual', all the while christianity teaching that humans aren't ABLE to be spiritual without the very TECHNICAL DETAIL of ''accepting Jzs as ,,god,, who killed his son/incarnated humanoid triune part of himself -as an offerring to himself, so that humanity might be 'saved' from being 'damned' by the same Go'd...
At the same time, hundreds of millions of muslims around the globe, living in several huge islamic states they conquered from other nations, are ''OUTRAGED'' at the 'violent ways' tiny israel is defending their citizens... from attacks of... MUSLIMS!!!
Add to this the inconvenient fact of muslims' very own quran AFFIRMING Go'd's command to jews to dwell in israel...
The creative mental pretzels muslims and christians twist themselves into, are truly mind-boggling.
Some muslims and christians, in fact claim to in fact be the ''real'' israelites, so THEY should inherit israel and.be the truly Go'ds ''chosen''- not the jews!
... Of course ''being jewish'' does not include any interest in actually ...practicing Go'ds Torah...
Other xians and muslims claim that... jews were so 'unloyal' to Go'd that their covenant no longer applies, being exchanged for the 'new-improved' versions of newt test or quran. So they accuse the jews of changing the Torah, while being angry at jews not accepting the xian/ islamic changes to Go'ds own scriptures.
And while muslims oppress and kill each other by HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS around the world, they continue accussing jews of being 'bloodthirsty' and 'expansionist'...
And while xians and muslims accuse each other of not being faithful to Go'ds original testament, none of gentile nations are rushing to keep Go'ds commandments, preferring to remain at paying lip service. Of course everyone is very proud of 'affirming' the Torah, while actually preventing the jews from praying on Temple mount or bringing sacrifices, like COMMANDED by Go'd!!!
Thank You Go'd for having created me a jew!!!🔯
Friday, July 29, 2016
Abraham's Covenant - not with Ishmael
Does Abraham's covenant include Ishmael?
According to Torah, muslims are NOT considered part of Abraham's spiritual covenant. Ishmael is BLESSED, yet the covenant is through Isaac, Sarah's son. The covenant consists of Abraham's commandment of CIRCUMCISION- which quran does NOT command on muslims.
Abrahams covenant: (Genesis.17:)
9 God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants in every generation. 10 This is my covenant that you and your descendants must keep: Circumcise every male. 11 You must circumcise the flesh of your foreskins, and it will be a symbol of the covenant between us. 12 On the eighth day after birth, every male in every generation must be circumcised, including those who are not your own children: those born in your household and those purchased with silver from foreigners. 13 Be sure you circumcise those born in your household and those purchased with your silver. Your flesh will embody my covenant as an enduring covenant. 14 Any uncircumcised male whose flesh of his foreskin remains uncircumcised will be cut off from his people. He has broken my covenant.”
15 God said to Abraham, “As for your wife Sarai, you will no longer call her Sarai. Her name will now be Sarah. 16 I will bless her and even give you a son from her. I will bless her so that she will become nations, and kings of peoples will come from her.”
17 Abraham fell on his face and laughed. He said to himself, Can a 100-year-old man become a father, or Sarah, a 90-year-old woman, have a child? 18 To God Abraham said, “If only you would accept Ishmael!”
19 But God said, “No, your wife Sarah will give birth to a son for you, and you will name him Isaac. I will set up my covenant with him and with his descendants after him as an enduring covenant. 20 As for Ishmael, I’ve heard your request. I will bless him and make him fertile and give him many, many descendants. He will be the ancestor of twelve tribal leaders, and I will make a great nation of him. 21 But I will set up my covenant with Isaac, who will be born to Sarah at this time next year.” 22 When God finished speaking to him, God ascended, leaving Abraham alone.'
9 God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants in every generation. 10 This is my covenant that you and your descendants must keep: Circumcise every male. 11 You must circumcise the flesh of your foreskins, and it will be a symbol of the covenant between us. 12 On the eighth day after birth, every male in every generation must be circumcised, including those who are not your own children: those born in your household and those purchased with silver from foreigners. 13 Be sure you circumcise those born in your household and those purchased with your silver. Your flesh will embody my covenant as an enduring covenant. 14 Any uncircumcised male whose flesh of his foreskin remains uncircumcised will be cut off from his people. He has broken my covenant.”
15 God said to Abraham, “As for your wife Sarai, you will no longer call her Sarai. Her name will now be Sarah. 16 I will bless her and even give you a son from her. I will bless her so that she will become nations, and kings of peoples will come from her.”
17 Abraham fell on his face and laughed. He said to himself, Can a 100-year-old man become a father, or Sarah, a 90-year-old woman, have a child? 18 To God Abraham said, “If only you would accept Ishmael!”
19 But God said, “No, your wife Sarah will give birth to a son for you, and you will name him Isaac.[d] I will set up my covenant with him and with his descendants after him as an enduring covenant. 20 As for Ishmael, I’ve heard your request. I will bless him and make him fertile and give him many, many descendants. He will be the ancestor of twelve tribal leaders, and I will make a great nation of him. 21 But I will set up my covenant with Isaac, who will be born to Sarah at this time next year.” 22 When God finished speaking to him, God ascended, leaving Abraham alone.''
According to Torah, muslims are NOT considered part of Abraham's spiritual covenant. Ishmael is BLESSED, yet the covenant is through Isaac, Sarah's son. The covenant consists of Abraham's commandment of CIRCUMCISION- which quran does NOT command on muslims.
Abrahams covenant: (Genesis.17:)
9 God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants in every generation. 10 This is my covenant that you and your descendants must keep: Circumcise every male. 11 You must circumcise the flesh of your foreskins, and it will be a symbol of the covenant between us. 12 On the eighth day after birth, every male in every generation must be circumcised, including those who are not your own children: those born in your household and those purchased with silver from foreigners. 13 Be sure you circumcise those born in your household and those purchased with your silver. Your flesh will embody my covenant as an enduring covenant. 14 Any uncircumcised male whose flesh of his foreskin remains uncircumcised will be cut off from his people. He has broken my covenant.”
15 God said to Abraham, “As for your wife Sarai, you will no longer call her Sarai. Her name will now be Sarah. 16 I will bless her and even give you a son from her. I will bless her so that she will become nations, and kings of peoples will come from her.”
17 Abraham fell on his face and laughed. He said to himself, Can a 100-year-old man become a father, or Sarah, a 90-year-old woman, have a child? 18 To God Abraham said, “If only you would accept Ishmael!”
19 But God said, “No, your wife Sarah will give birth to a son for you, and you will name him Isaac. I will set up my covenant with him and with his descendants after him as an enduring covenant. 20 As for Ishmael, I’ve heard your request. I will bless him and make him fertile and give him many, many descendants. He will be the ancestor of twelve tribal leaders, and I will make a great nation of him. 21 But I will set up my covenant with Isaac, who will be born to Sarah at this time next year.” 22 When God finished speaking to him, God ascended, leaving Abraham alone.'
9 God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants in every generation. 10 This is my covenant that you and your descendants must keep: Circumcise every male. 11 You must circumcise the flesh of your foreskins, and it will be a symbol of the covenant between us. 12 On the eighth day after birth, every male in every generation must be circumcised, including those who are not your own children: those born in your household and those purchased with silver from foreigners. 13 Be sure you circumcise those born in your household and those purchased with your silver. Your flesh will embody my covenant as an enduring covenant. 14 Any uncircumcised male whose flesh of his foreskin remains uncircumcised will be cut off from his people. He has broken my covenant.”
15 God said to Abraham, “As for your wife Sarai, you will no longer call her Sarai. Her name will now be Sarah. 16 I will bless her and even give you a son from her. I will bless her so that she will become nations, and kings of peoples will come from her.”
17 Abraham fell on his face and laughed. He said to himself, Can a 100-year-old man become a father, or Sarah, a 90-year-old woman, have a child? 18 To God Abraham said, “If only you would accept Ishmael!”
19 But God said, “No, your wife Sarah will give birth to a son for you, and you will name him Isaac.[d] I will set up my covenant with him and with his descendants after him as an enduring covenant. 20 As for Ishmael, I’ve heard your request. I will bless him and make him fertile and give him many, many descendants. He will be the ancestor of twelve tribal leaders, and I will make a great nation of him. 21 But I will set up my covenant with Isaac, who will be born to Sarah at this time next year.” 22 When God finished speaking to him, God ascended, leaving Abraham alone.''
Jewish Trinity
chrystians like to give the example of water to illustrate the concept of their triune deity. The example goes as follows: water can have three basic states- liquid, solid, and vapor, yet it is all the same water.
Here i'll try to explain how this example is not just wrong, but heretical and misleading. i'll also let u in on a secret- jews have the concept of 'trinity' too...
-true, water might have three basic states of matter it appears in, but to refer to water as ONLY interacting with us in ONLY these three ways would be EXTREMELY MISLEADING. moreover, it would DETRACT from the very ESSENCE of water- as the universal solvent, life giver, deliverer of nutrients, 90% or so of our bodies, etc.
To insist that we MUST approach the subject of water ''ONLY'' through its frozen form, would be grossly misleading. The MAIN quality of water is- it is EVERYWHERE. As a matter of fact, judaism compares Go'ds TORAH to life-giving water...
Water is NOT just these three states of being. Water is H²O within our bodies, it is falling from the sky, it is clouds, it is the oceans and rivers. It is the very blood flowing in our veins, as well as urine flushing out the impurities out of our bodies.
To focus on the three basic physical states water appears in would be misleading. and unnecessary... And lets remember of millions of innocent loyal jews who gave their lives for refusing to trivialize our Almighty Creator to such nonsensical arithmetic!!!
Go-d is INFINITE, UNLIMITED in every possible way- unbound by skin or heart beat or oxygen or physical wounds. Go'd is the CREATOR and the SUSTAINER of everything.
To insist that we need to approach Go-d's presence through some long gone brief supposed episode of being 'embodied' in certain jewish maveric individual named Josh is soooo senseless and MISLEADING to the whole spirit of monotheism!!!
In fact, according to the first, second, third and the ninth commandments of Go-d given Decalogue- it is plainly HERETICAL BLASPHEMY no different than Hindu worship of the murderous Ka li, or elephant Ga nesh or blueman Krish na...
Now about the JEWISH ''trinity'': three major tenets of judaism are: Go-d, His Torah, and Israel.
Why is it important? well, one might doubt that the Creator would be interested in continued relationship or moral conduct of His creation- hence our sages stress the unbroken bond between Go'd and humanity through His revealed will- duly 'notarized' for all generations in the form of Five Books of Moses, the oral transmission and the entity it was given to- the Children of Israel.
A final note- Go-d might have communicated with us through burning bush, talking donkey, angels, etc, yet nobody WORSHIPS those entities nor insists that we ''must'' approach Go'd solely through His donkey configuration😃
Here i'll try to explain how this example is not just wrong, but heretical and misleading. i'll also let u in on a secret- jews have the concept of 'trinity' too...
-true, water might have three basic states of matter it appears in, but to refer to water as ONLY interacting with us in ONLY these three ways would be EXTREMELY MISLEADING. moreover, it would DETRACT from the very ESSENCE of water- as the universal solvent, life giver, deliverer of nutrients, 90% or so of our bodies, etc.
To insist that we MUST approach the subject of water ''ONLY'' through its frozen form, would be grossly misleading. The MAIN quality of water is- it is EVERYWHERE. As a matter of fact, judaism compares Go'ds TORAH to life-giving water...
Water is NOT just these three states of being. Water is H²O within our bodies, it is falling from the sky, it is clouds, it is the oceans and rivers. It is the very blood flowing in our veins, as well as urine flushing out the impurities out of our bodies.
To focus on the three basic physical states water appears in would be misleading. and unnecessary... And lets remember of millions of innocent loyal jews who gave their lives for refusing to trivialize our Almighty Creator to such nonsensical arithmetic!!!
Go-d is INFINITE, UNLIMITED in every possible way- unbound by skin or heart beat or oxygen or physical wounds. Go'd is the CREATOR and the SUSTAINER of everything.
To insist that we need to approach Go-d's presence through some long gone brief supposed episode of being 'embodied' in certain jewish maveric individual named Josh is soooo senseless and MISLEADING to the whole spirit of monotheism!!!
In fact, according to the first, second, third and the ninth commandments of Go-d given Decalogue- it is plainly HERETICAL BLASPHEMY no different than Hindu worship of the murderous Ka li, or elephant Ga nesh or blueman Krish na...
Now about the JEWISH ''trinity'': three major tenets of judaism are: Go-d, His Torah, and Israel.
Why is it important? well, one might doubt that the Creator would be interested in continued relationship or moral conduct of His creation- hence our sages stress the unbroken bond between Go'd and humanity through His revealed will- duly 'notarized' for all generations in the form of Five Books of Moses, the oral transmission and the entity it was given to- the Children of Israel.
A final note- Go-d might have communicated with us through burning bush, talking donkey, angels, etc, yet nobody WORSHIPS those entities nor insists that we ''must'' approach Go'd solely through His donkey configuration😃
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Penetrating the logic of Xianity
I have trouble understanding how exactly does Jzs' three-day temporary mortification show Divine love?
Imagine working for a very old company; all your family worked for the same company, the same Boss, for generations. You have a very good contract, in which your Boss stipulates His expectations, and the benefits are unbelievable!!!
🏆 imagine one day your Boss calling u to his office: ''Johnny, this year, instead of giving u a raise, i will kill my favorite son in your honor! it will last three days, he'll get over it! And if u can't see how that shows my love for u- u are FIRED! And- u must believe that i'm really killing MYSELF here, even though i'll still be in my office, running the Company, while i'm dead for these three days. if u doubt it, u are fired too!'' 😱
•This added invented detail of theology has given Xtians an excuse to persecute and murder billions of people word-wide. ''Ye pagans are heretics for doubting Go-d's love through the temporary mortification of Jzs-who is 'god' himself! You ingrates, god 'kills' himself for u and u doubt him? Die pagans, or be condemned to die unsaved!!!•
🎯Why can't Go-d express His love by NOT killing anyone? Why are we now supposed to (according to NT) to stop following Go-ds eternal covenant? NT has the hubris to teach that whoever circumcises one's son in accordance with Go-ds will- is actually 'losing Go-ds grace'!!! 😕
🐍NT suggests that we stop living in accordance with Go-d's eternal Torah, calling it a ''curse''!!! Can u imagine such 'religion' which denies Go-d's own covenant??? Can anyone have any doubt that such cult, which venerates a long dead human being as an 'incarnation' of Divinity, is heresy???
🚽NT has totally messed up people's perceptions about right and wrong, about loyalty and morality! According to Xtian theology, there is no sin, for mr. Jzs has 'removed' the sin! 😑
So-logically,...according to Xtian bold faced calumnous blasphemy, we should abandon all morality, for supposedly 'god' has stopped caring about His Covenant!
~Strangely, Jews, Go-d's oldest and most faithful, had not gotten the memo!
🚨It's worth noting that not one word in NT has actually been written by mr.Jzs! NT was committed to writing about half century AFTER Mr. Jzs had ended his earthly residence!
Xtian scholars themselves readily admit that they aren't sure about the exact identity of the NT authors! (However, they are 'certain' that NT is 'true' -no matter who wrote it!!!)
How one can be so cavalier about discarding Go-d's word is beyond me!
Another vital point, which astonishes me the most-
IMHO, the biggest proof that NT dogma fell prey to a diabolical satanic plot of the 'Dark Side' to totally scramble and subvert the human brain and soul:
the 'fulfillment' claim!!!
🚧🚶 In a astoundingly sinister case of twisting Go'ds very covenant and turning it up side-down, the poor blind Xtians stupefyingly actually believe that they ARE INDEED ''following'' Go'ds will'' by ACTUALLY TOTALLY IGNORING IT!!!
Xtian astounding excuse is-since mr.Jzs has 'perfectly fulfilled' every area of Gd's law, we are 'free from its 'curse' and 'burden'!!!
Can u imagine calling Go-d's eternal holy covenant , a''curse'' and a 'burden??? While at the same time insisting that you are really 'following' it??? Can you imagine calling yourself ''dead'' to G-od's law, while at the same time insisting that you are ''fulfilling'' it through praying to a dead preacher?
How can POSSIBLY such 'religious' absurdity be true?
We see indeed the outcome of this deluded movement- thousands of years of genocide, crusades, forced baptisms, public burnings, confiscation of property, stealing of children, enslavement of entire CONTINENTS!!! How can one POSSIBLY believe that such religion comes from a pure source is beyond me!!!
How can one 'fulfill' loving one's neighbor, or giving charity, or honoring one's parents, or supporting the widow and the orphan? How can one dead guy's keeping Shabbat allow us to transgress this holy day? How can Jzs' fasting on Yom Kippur thousands of years ago permit us to stuff ourselves with forbidden food?
🌾How can Jzs' loyalty to his wife exempt us from being loyal to OUR spouses?
o, wait, Jzs wasn't married...
💨Objections to Jzs' ''sacrifice''
1) Jzs supposedly 'knew' who and when was going to execute him. -if Jzs did NOTHING to save his life, it is tantamount to suicide. if u see a truck hurtling towards u, and u fail to move out of its way-u are indeed guilty of failing to guard your life.
2) xttians try to portray Jzs' death as a bona fide legitimate 'sin offering': but Torah never commanded to offer a human being- if one insists on going the strict legalistic route!
3) an offering which walks off the altar alive cannot be considered as 'offered'.
4) Xtians like to mention a verse of psalms that Jzs' bones were 'not broken' to accentuate his perfection as a sacrifice. But a sacrifice which is all bleeding and wounded from being nailed and whipped, regrettably cannot be considered 'undamaged'. Hence Xtian's own reasoning testifies against their sad attempts at theological 'proofs'.
5) no offering was ever worshiped as a 'god'.
6) no offering exempts from observing Go'ds commandments.
7) an offering which wasnt commanded nor called for, nor brought before Go'd -is considered an ABOMINATION, punished by DEATH , as we see by the sons of Aaron, who brought an offering which wasn't commanded- a heavenly fire has consumed them.
Jzs' execution was CERTAINLY not desired nor divinely commanded, for it achieved no purpose, and if indeed Jzs was expecting it and FAILED to protect his life- it was a grave sin!!!
🏁 to deem Go-d's holy commandments as 'not doable' or 'not efficacious' , is PURE HERESY.
Go-d gave us his Torah to GUIDE us and ELEVATE us, not to cause us to fail on a technicality.
Xtians paint Go-d as a mean spirited buerocrat, who won't forgive a sincere penitent until He receives His 'pound of flesh'!!!
Such abhorrent view of our Merciful Father is the chief reason why i'm so vehemently disposed to debunk Xtian heresy!
It is a blasphemy against Go-d, calling His guidance a 'curse' and a 'burden' which is 'impossible to fulfill'.
Torah isn't a 'checklist' to be 'fulfilled'. It is a recipe for sanctifying the world!
To say that Go-d 'cannot' or is 'unwilling' to forgive a truly penitent sinner, is an UGLY INSIDIOUS BLASPHEMY!!!
To say that Jzs has brought down 'grace' is to ascribe to Go-d a lack of love, which is simply not true. -it is a clear church self serving biased propaganda!!!
Imagine working for a very old company; all your family worked for the same company, the same Boss, for generations. You have a very good contract, in which your Boss stipulates His expectations, and the benefits are unbelievable!!!
🏆 imagine one day your Boss calling u to his office: ''Johnny, this year, instead of giving u a raise, i will kill my favorite son in your honor! it will last three days, he'll get over it! And if u can't see how that shows my love for u- u are FIRED! And- u must believe that i'm really killing MYSELF here, even though i'll still be in my office, running the Company, while i'm dead for these three days. if u doubt it, u are fired too!'' 😱
•This added invented detail of theology has given Xtians an excuse to persecute and murder billions of people word-wide. ''Ye pagans are heretics for doubting Go-d's love through the temporary mortification of Jzs-who is 'god' himself! You ingrates, god 'kills' himself for u and u doubt him? Die pagans, or be condemned to die unsaved!!!•
🎯Why can't Go-d express His love by NOT killing anyone? Why are we now supposed to (according to NT) to stop following Go-ds eternal covenant? NT has the hubris to teach that whoever circumcises one's son in accordance with Go-ds will- is actually 'losing Go-ds grace'!!! 😕
🐍NT suggests that we stop living in accordance with Go-d's eternal Torah, calling it a ''curse''!!! Can u imagine such 'religion' which denies Go-d's own covenant??? Can anyone have any doubt that such cult, which venerates a long dead human being as an 'incarnation' of Divinity, is heresy???
🚽NT has totally messed up people's perceptions about right and wrong, about loyalty and morality! According to Xtian theology, there is no sin, for mr. Jzs has 'removed' the sin! 😑
So-logically,...according to Xtian bold faced calumnous blasphemy, we should abandon all morality, for supposedly 'god' has stopped caring about His Covenant!
~Strangely, Jews, Go-d's oldest and most faithful, had not gotten the memo!
🚨It's worth noting that not one word in NT has actually been written by mr.Jzs! NT was committed to writing about half century AFTER Mr. Jzs had ended his earthly residence!
Xtian scholars themselves readily admit that they aren't sure about the exact identity of the NT authors! (However, they are 'certain' that NT is 'true' -no matter who wrote it!!!)
How one can be so cavalier about discarding Go-d's word is beyond me!
Another vital point, which astonishes me the most-
IMHO, the biggest proof that NT dogma fell prey to a diabolical satanic plot of the 'Dark Side' to totally scramble and subvert the human brain and soul:
the 'fulfillment' claim!!!
🚧🚶 In a astoundingly sinister case of twisting Go'ds very covenant and turning it up side-down, the poor blind Xtians stupefyingly actually believe that they ARE INDEED ''following'' Go'ds will'' by ACTUALLY TOTALLY IGNORING IT!!!
Xtian astounding excuse is-since mr.Jzs has 'perfectly fulfilled' every area of Gd's law, we are 'free from its 'curse' and 'burden'!!!
Can u imagine calling Go-d's eternal holy covenant , a''curse'' and a 'burden??? While at the same time insisting that you are really 'following' it??? Can you imagine calling yourself ''dead'' to G-od's law, while at the same time insisting that you are ''fulfilling'' it through praying to a dead preacher?
How can POSSIBLY such 'religious' absurdity be true?
We see indeed the outcome of this deluded movement- thousands of years of genocide, crusades, forced baptisms, public burnings, confiscation of property, stealing of children, enslavement of entire CONTINENTS!!! How can one POSSIBLY believe that such religion comes from a pure source is beyond me!!!
How can one 'fulfill' loving one's neighbor, or giving charity, or honoring one's parents, or supporting the widow and the orphan? How can one dead guy's keeping Shabbat allow us to transgress this holy day? How can Jzs' fasting on Yom Kippur thousands of years ago permit us to stuff ourselves with forbidden food?
🌾How can Jzs' loyalty to his wife exempt us from being loyal to OUR spouses?
o, wait, Jzs wasn't married...
💨Objections to Jzs' ''sacrifice''
1) Jzs supposedly 'knew' who and when was going to execute him. -if Jzs did NOTHING to save his life, it is tantamount to suicide. if u see a truck hurtling towards u, and u fail to move out of its way-u are indeed guilty of failing to guard your life.
2) xttians try to portray Jzs' death as a bona fide legitimate 'sin offering': but Torah never commanded to offer a human being- if one insists on going the strict legalistic route!
3) an offering which walks off the altar alive cannot be considered as 'offered'.
4) Xtians like to mention a verse of psalms that Jzs' bones were 'not broken' to accentuate his perfection as a sacrifice. But a sacrifice which is all bleeding and wounded from being nailed and whipped, regrettably cannot be considered 'undamaged'. Hence Xtian's own reasoning testifies against their sad attempts at theological 'proofs'.
5) no offering was ever worshiped as a 'god'.
6) no offering exempts from observing Go'ds commandments.
7) an offering which wasnt commanded nor called for, nor brought before Go'd -is considered an ABOMINATION, punished by DEATH , as we see by the sons of Aaron, who brought an offering which wasn't commanded- a heavenly fire has consumed them.
Jzs' execution was CERTAINLY not desired nor divinely commanded, for it achieved no purpose, and if indeed Jzs was expecting it and FAILED to protect his life- it was a grave sin!!!
🏁 to deem Go-d's holy commandments as 'not doable' or 'not efficacious' , is PURE HERESY.
Go-d gave us his Torah to GUIDE us and ELEVATE us, not to cause us to fail on a technicality.
Xtians paint Go-d as a mean spirited buerocrat, who won't forgive a sincere penitent until He receives His 'pound of flesh'!!!
Such abhorrent view of our Merciful Father is the chief reason why i'm so vehemently disposed to debunk Xtian heresy!
It is a blasphemy against Go-d, calling His guidance a 'curse' and a 'burden' which is 'impossible to fulfill'.
Torah isn't a 'checklist' to be 'fulfilled'. It is a recipe for sanctifying the world!
To say that Go-d 'cannot' or is 'unwilling' to forgive a truly penitent sinner, is an UGLY INSIDIOUS BLASPHEMY!!!
To say that Jzs has brought down 'grace' is to ascribe to Go-d a lack of love, which is simply not true. -it is a clear church self serving biased propaganda!!!
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Moses vs. Jezes vs. Muhamad
Moses vs. Jezus vs. Muhamad
•Moses had it made! He was a step son of the most powerful ruler in the world! He was a prince living in the palace of the most luxurious and advanced civilization in the world!
Yet, when he saw an injustice being done, an Egyptian task master abusing a jewish slave, Moses' innate sense of justice came into play. He knowingly risked his life, his princely heritage, his everything! Go-d deemed him worthy to lead Jews out of slavery, to become a free independent nation, separate from egyptian pagan jackal- and ram-headed idols!
Torah states that Moses wasn't just the greatest prophet that ever lived (as quran affirms in sura 4:163-164), but also the MOST HUMBLE, the most selfless.
Only through such pure selfless soul could Gd entrust His timeless message!
a son of a single mother, with disputed descent, unknown father. Yes he was educated and had the benefit of growing up among great sages of the time, he still merited to see the Second Temple standing. Instead of humbly learning at the sages' feet, he decided that he knows better!
He started going around insulting the holy rabbis, the legitimate shepherds of Israel. If N.T. is to be trusted at all, which is doubtful- he started going around telling adulterous women that their sin is 'forgiven'!!! Can u imagine? An adulterous wife, who according to Go'ds Torah is FORBIDDEN to live with her husband, is told by mr. Jezus that she's 'forgiven'???
If Xian N.T. is to be trusted, Jezus allowed his followers to PUBLICLY DESECRATE SHABBAT, declaring absurdly that he's a 'prince of Shabbat'!!! He might have had an excuse that it was an exceptional situation, where there was a danger of life - but it is highly unlikely! He was after all strolling about Galil's fields with his students, teaching them 'his version' of Torah! Didnt he know that Shabbat was coming?
We don't really know what exactly he held or did, because not one word of Xian NT was written by mr. Jezus. His 'disciples' wrote often conflicting stories about him. It is even doubtful which of his cultists even knew him in person, and which one of them had actually witnessed all the events described in NT. One thing is certain- NT is not written by any prophet, nor by Jezus.
it is full of anti-Jewish vituperation, calling holy sages 'sons of devil' and a 'synagogue of Satan'!!! It contains many heretical statements, for example stating that whoever circumcises their child will 'lose Go'ds grace'!!!
Jezus used his charisma to ELEVATE himself and to gain followers, not to bring them to Torah. Jezus did not support the Jews but continuously ATTACKED THEM!
NT does not contain any true prophecies. Jezus promised to return within the same generation...we're still waiting... True , NT states that the Temple ''will be destroyed'', but one can hardly call it a 'prophecy' since NT was actually written AFTER the Temple was already destroyed!!! Besides, Jeremiah's prophecy about the Temple was already widely known well before mr.Jzs. So we can hardly consider it mr.Jzs' 'prophecy'!
Muhamad was an orphaned, uneducated merchant apprentice. He'd married an older rich widow, which improved his social and economic standing. When he'd heard a voice while alone in a cave, he'd heard a voice. Doubting the source of this voice, he'd ran to his wife, asking HER what it was. After reassuring him that he wasn't crazy or possesed by a daemon, she encouraged Muhamad to share his voice's message with others.
Muzlims call the Quran a 'miracle', stating that it is miraculous that an ILLITERATE simple merchant was able to recite such poetry.
Well, it isn't so miraculous to be able to SPEAK! Arabic was after all Muhamad's native language. And he had RECITED it over TWENTY years, with OTHERS slowly writing it down for him... Hardly very miraculous. An arab merchant that can actually... speak arabic! Truly a miracle!!!
A quick glance at Quran's text will show that it is hardly a model of clarity. The language is redundantly repetitive, unclear, containing serious mistakes about judaism and xianity, stating for example that Jews consider Ezra a 'son of Gd' or that Mary was Aaron's SISTER! In sura 5:5 it states that kosher is the same as halal, which is certainly FALSE, as jewish dietary laws are much stricter than halal.
In any case, one wonders, if the Arabs had already KNOWN about Go'ds revelation at Sinai, which has occured about 2,000 years previously, why were they STILL worshipping idols?
Muhamad's message found a receptive ground- now Arabs could claim ''their own'' prophet, and feel superior to anyone who hasn't 'accepted' their prophet and honored him sufficiently by surrendering !!!
Muhamad used his receptive rapidly growing army of eager converts, to pillage, conquer & raid innocent merchant caravans, under the self-righteous excuse that 'their prophet's message' isn't accepted.
How do we know that it was ONLY AN EXCUSE TO CONQUER AND PILLAGE?
Simple! The Jewish merchants living among the Arabs had no trouble being Jewish and worshiping their Go'd in peace. The Jews didn't go around demanding that everyone 'accept' Judaism ''or else''!!! A forced conversion is NOT a conversion!!!
Muzlims too could have simply continued living in peace with everyone, peacefully spreading the message of One Go'd!
But , the newly 'converted' muzlims -used the excuse that others aren't accepting their prophet. They even held it against the Jews-who had lived in peace among the ''pagan'' Arabs.
It wasn't enough for Muhamad's zealots that the Jews HAD already THEIR Torah, received 2,000 years PREVIOUSLY from G'od HIMSELF, in PUBLIC, before the entire nation!!!
Jews didnt' NEED to ''affirm'' anything! Jews didn't need an unknown uneducated recently idol-worshiping Muhamad to tell them about some voices he'd heard in the cave!
Of course the newly minted muzlims took umbrage for ''their'' prophet's sake. They didn't care much about the MESSAGE, they mainly cared about the acceptance of their MESSANGER.
Muzlims proceeded to take example from their prophet- they continued to conquer, submit, force 'conversions' to islam. They took over city after city, kingdom after kingdom, non stop, until today.
It is CLEAR that they care about conquest and their pride MORE than about Allah.
Had they cared about Allah's honor, they'd leave the land of israel to the JEWS!
After all, it always was a well known fact- clearly CONFIRMED in Muhamad's own message- Jewish Torah is the true revelation of the true Go'd! Quran even CONFIRMS several times that Allah has given Israel and Jerusalem to the Jewish people!!! See Quran # 5:21, 7:161, 26:59, 17:104, 5:43, 10:94, 37:37, etc etc
It might even be argued that Quran COMMANDS Muzlims to open the Temple Mount to the Jews from comparing two verses in quran-one about an un-named sanctuary (referred to as ''Place of ,,Peace,, (jeru/Salem?) in sura 2:125. It isn't referring to Mecca, because a few verses later, #2:150 refers to Mecca!
Lastly, even if a Muzlim would discount the Jewish Scriptures, and his own quran,
out of SIMPLE decency, Muzlims should refrain from occupying the Temple Mount.
Jewish Temple is to jews an integral part of following Allah's will. Jews are commanded to bring sacrifices, various Temple-connected rituals etc.
EVERYONE is welcome to worship in Jerusalem Temple, as Isaiah 56 clearly states that Go'ds
is a ''HOUSE for ALL NATIONS'' !!!
Unlike Mecca, where nobody but muzlims are welcome, Judaism welcomes ALL, with no conquest, in any jewish house of worship!
Thus we see that both muzlims and xians used their religion as an EXCUSE to conquer, pillage, and force others to accept 'their' messanger, even though the recipient was ALREADY WELL.AWARE about the message (never mind the messanger, isn't the MESSAGE that really matters?)Moses gave up EVERYTHING to selflessly lead the Jewish people to Sinai, through Egyptian bondage, through Amalekites' attack, through forty years of open public miracles, with pillar of fire and Clouds of Glory leading them.
Whereas Jezes and Muhamad used their newly-found status as 'Gd's ,,messanger,, to ATTACK and ABUSE the Jews (whose Torah they supposedly came to strengten and confirm)
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