I have trouble understanding how exactly does Jzs' three-day temporary mortification show Divine love?
Imagine working for a very old company; all your family worked for the same company, the same Boss, for generations. You have a very good contract, in which your Boss stipulates His expectations, and the benefits are unbelievable!!!
๐ imagine one day your Boss calling u to his office: ''Johnny, this year, instead of giving u a raise, i will kill my favorite son in your honor! it will last three days, he'll get over it! And if u can't see how that shows my love for u- u are FIRED! And- u must believe that i'm really killing MYSELF here, even though i'll still be in my office, running the Company, while i'm dead for these three days. if u doubt it, u are fired too!'' ๐ฑ
•This added invented detail of theology has given Xtians an excuse to persecute and murder billions of people word-wide. ''Ye pagans are heretics for doubting Go-d's love through the temporary mortification of Jzs-who is 'god' himself! You ingrates, god 'kills' himself for u and u doubt him? Die pagans, or be condemned to die unsaved!!!•
๐ฏWhy can't Go-d express His love by NOT killing anyone? Why are we now supposed to (according to NT) to stop following Go-ds eternal covenant? NT has the hubris to teach that whoever circumcises one's son in accordance with Go-ds will- is actually 'losing Go-ds grace'!!! ๐
๐NT suggests that we stop living in accordance with Go-d's eternal Torah, calling it a ''curse''!!! Can u imagine such 'religion' which denies Go-d's own covenant??? Can anyone have any doubt that such cult, which venerates a long dead human being as an 'incarnation' of Divinity, is heresy???
๐ฝNT has totally messed up people's perceptions about right and wrong, about loyalty and morality! According to Xtian theology, there is no sin, for mr. Jzs has 'removed' the sin! ๐
So-logically,...according to Xtian bold faced calumnous blasphemy, we should abandon all morality, for supposedly 'god' has stopped caring about His Covenant!
~Strangely, Jews, Go-d's oldest and most faithful, had not gotten the memo!
๐จIt's worth noting that not one word in NT has actually been written by mr.Jzs! NT was committed to writing about half century AFTER Mr. Jzs had ended his earthly residence!
Xtian scholars themselves readily admit that they aren't sure about the exact identity of the NT authors! (However, they are 'certain' that NT is 'true' -no matter who wrote it!!!)
How one can be so cavalier about discarding Go-d's word is beyond me!
Another vital point, which astonishes me the most-
IMHO, the biggest proof that NT dogma fell prey to a diabolical satanic plot of the 'Dark Side' to totally scramble and subvert the human brain and soul:
the 'fulfillment' claim!!!
๐ง๐ถ In a astoundingly sinister case of twisting Go'ds very covenant and turning it up side-down, the poor blind Xtians stupefyingly actually believe that they ARE INDEED ''following'' Go'ds will'' by ACTUALLY TOTALLY IGNORING IT!!!
Xtian astounding excuse is-since mr.Jzs has 'perfectly fulfilled' every area of Gd's law, we are 'free from its 'curse' and 'burden'!!!
Can u imagine calling Go-d's eternal holy covenant , a''curse'' and a 'burden??? While at the same time insisting that you are really 'following' it??? Can you imagine calling yourself ''dead'' to G-od's law, while at the same time insisting that you are ''fulfilling'' it through praying to a dead preacher?
How can POSSIBLY such 'religious' absurdity be true?
We see indeed the outcome of this deluded movement- thousands of years of genocide, crusades, forced baptisms, public burnings, confiscation of property, stealing of children, enslavement of entire CONTINENTS!!! How can one POSSIBLY believe that such religion comes from a pure source is beyond me!!!
How can one 'fulfill' loving one's neighbor, or giving charity, or honoring one's parents, or supporting the widow and the orphan? How can one dead guy's keeping Shabbat allow us to transgress this holy day? How can Jzs' fasting on Yom Kippur thousands of years ago permit us to stuff ourselves with forbidden food?
๐พHow can Jzs' loyalty to his wife exempt us from being loyal to OUR spouses?
o, wait, Jzs wasn't married...
๐จObjections to Jzs' ''sacrifice''
1) Jzs supposedly 'knew' who and when was going to execute him. -if Jzs did NOTHING to save his life, it is tantamount to suicide. if u see a truck hurtling towards u, and u fail to move out of its way-u are indeed guilty of failing to guard your life.
2) xttians try to portray Jzs' death as a bona fide legitimate 'sin offering': but Torah never commanded to offer a human being- if one insists on going the strict legalistic route!
3) an offering which walks off the altar alive cannot be considered as 'offered'.
4) Xtians like to mention a verse of psalms that Jzs' bones were 'not broken' to accentuate his perfection as a sacrifice. But a sacrifice which is all bleeding and wounded from being nailed and whipped, regrettably cannot be considered 'undamaged'. Hence Xtian's own reasoning testifies against their sad attempts at theological 'proofs'.
5) no offering was ever worshiped as a 'god'.
6) no offering exempts from observing Go'ds commandments.
7) an offering which wasnt commanded nor called for, nor brought before Go'd -is considered an ABOMINATION, punished by DEATH , as we see by the sons of Aaron, who brought an offering which wasn't commanded- a heavenly fire has consumed them.
Jzs' execution was CERTAINLY not desired nor divinely commanded, for it achieved no purpose, and if indeed Jzs was expecting it and FAILED to protect his life- it was a grave sin!!!
๐ to deem Go-d's holy commandments as 'not doable' or 'not efficacious' , is PURE HERESY.
Go-d gave us his Torah to GUIDE us and ELEVATE us, not to cause us to fail on a technicality.
Xtians paint Go-d as a mean spirited buerocrat, who won't forgive a sincere penitent until He receives His 'pound of flesh'!!!
Such abhorrent view of our Merciful Father is the chief reason why i'm so vehemently disposed to debunk Xtian heresy!
It is a blasphemy against Go-d, calling His guidance a 'curse' and a 'burden' which is 'impossible to fulfill'.
Torah isn't a 'checklist' to be 'fulfilled'. It is a recipe for sanctifying the world!
To say that Go-d 'cannot' or is 'unwilling' to forgive a truly penitent sinner, is an UGLY INSIDIOUS BLASPHEMY!!!
To say that Jzs has brought down 'grace' is to ascribe to Go-d a lack of love, which is simply not true. -it is a clear church self serving biased propaganda!!!
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