Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Lip Service vs. True Service
This so surreal! Moses brought down Go'ds message- the Creator of Heaven and Earth cares about us, and wants us to be good and peacable to each other! Go'd also provided some rituals to sanctify our mundane activities- to envelop us in a state of higher consciousness and awareness of Divinity.
A certain jewish fellow named Jzs arrived, who was very angry about not enough effort being expanded on 'loving' each other. He insisted that only through his approach can we become close to Go'd. He was so full of ANGER at jews not 'loving' Go'd & each other, that he inspired the non jews into... proclaiming him a ''god of love and peace'', who, as they conveniently understood, had abolished the sanctifying rituals given by Go'd. But the stubborn Jews refused to abandon their Go'd's Torah, who after all took the jews out of slavery and instructed Moses personally about sanctifying our life on earth. Jews were so ''stubborn'' in refusing to bow to the christain 'god of peace and love', that the chrisitians were forced to kill millions of those stubborn jews... and to forcibly convert jews into chrisitainity (-even though chrsitianity is supposedly 'affirming' of the truth of Go'ds covenant with israel)
Next came mohamet... He too, was very proud of himself for 'affirming' the jewish scriptures, and for spreading the message of monotheism to his pagan brethren.
But he was very disappointed that the jews refused to accept him as Go'ds latest messanger, even though he 'affirmed' their scriptures!!! His book, quran, which he said was dictated to him by an angel, was full of stories known from the jewish Torah, although too it was full of paragraphs calling jews ''killers of prophets'' and ''lying sinners''...
Since jews were such 'sinful liers' and such 'killers of prophets'', (even though quran does not specify which prophets jews supposedly killed), mohamet's followers felt justified in forcibly converting thousands of jews to islam (-even though islam is supposedly ''affirming of Jewish scriptures), and overtaking their cities...
So... christians accuse jews of not having enough 'brotherly love', and to make jews more open to christian concept of biblical love, they slaughtered and forcibly baptized millions of innocent loyal jewish souls into service of 'humanoid incarnation' of Limitless Creator... (yes, it does sound illogical)
And muslims... were so outraged at 'jewish violence' described in quran, (at killing all those unnamed prophets), that they too killed, forcibly converted and oppressed jews, by the millions, all in the name of ''curing them'' of their ''sinful violence''...
And of course, both christians and muslims continue to base the validity of THEIR religion on the original established tradition of children of israel, as transmitted NATIONALLY from Sinai, from Go'd Himself -to those very jews accussed of being so 'disloyal'...
So both xians and muslims continue accussing each other of perverting Go'ds original covenant (Torah), while totally ignoring actual OBSERVANCE of the very same Torah they supposedly ''affirm''...
Christians claim that Torah's purpose has been accomplished already- since all those nations have 'affirmed' Go'ds Torah covenant...not through practicing Go'ds law (that wouldn't be ''loving enough'') but through 'accepting' the human known as Jzs as 'Limitless Timeless Creator'...
Muslims claim that they are the most ''inclusive'' since they ''accept'' Jzs as 'messiah' and also other prophets, and they ''affirm'' Go'ds Torah, even though muslims don't actually practice the Torah, but they certainly 'affirm' it... and they are extremely insulted at jews continuing their adherence to Torah, WITHOUT ''affirming the affirmation'' of the muslim messanger mohamet!!!
''How dare the jews keep their Torah while rejecting mohamet -who took the trouble to affirm the jewish prophets!!!
...So muslims accuse the jews of ''changing the Torah'' while symultaneously being angry at them... for NOT accepting the CHANGES brought by mohamet!
...And the christians continue accusing jews of concentrating on 'technical details' instead of being 'spiritual', all the while christianity teaching that humans aren't ABLE to be spiritual without the very TECHNICAL DETAIL of ''accepting Jzs as ,,god,, who killed his son/incarnated humanoid triune part of himself -as an offerring to himself, so that humanity might be 'saved' from being 'damned' by the same Go'd...
At the same time, hundreds of millions of muslims around the globe, living in several huge islamic states they conquered from other nations, are ''OUTRAGED'' at the 'violent ways' tiny israel is defending their citizens... from attacks of... MUSLIMS!!!
Add to this the inconvenient fact of muslims' very own quran AFFIRMING Go'd's command to jews to dwell in israel...
The creative mental pretzels muslims and christians twist themselves into, are truly mind-boggling.
Some muslims and christians, in fact claim to in fact be the ''real'' israelites, so THEY should inherit israel and.be the truly Go'ds ''chosen''- not the jews!
... Of course ''being jewish'' does not include any interest in actually ...practicing Go'ds Torah...
Other xians and muslims claim that... jews were so 'unloyal' to Go'd that their covenant no longer applies, being exchanged for the 'new-improved' versions of newt test or quran. So they accuse the jews of changing the Torah, while being angry at jews not accepting the xian/ islamic changes to Go'ds own scriptures.
And while muslims oppress and kill each other by HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS around the world, they continue accussing jews of being 'bloodthirsty' and 'expansionist'...
And while xians and muslims accuse each other of not being faithful to Go'ds original testament, none of gentile nations are rushing to keep Go'ds commandments, preferring to remain at paying lip service. Of course everyone is very proud of 'affirming' the Torah, while actually preventing the jews from praying on Temple mount or bringing sacrifices, like COMMANDED by Go'd!!!
Thank You Go'd for having created me a jew!!!🔯
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