i'd like to address certain Xtian notion which keeps popping up: that supposedly ''every year more and more Jews accept the J'man''...
Since i'm personally involved in the multi-faith scene for many years, i'm familiar with the truth.
Sadly there are Jews who are not religious, just as there are non-religious muslims and non-religious christians. Such people are either not interested in religion, or weren't educated properly, or had some traumatic personal experiance related to religion...
Such person is easy to sway. All it takes is one close friend or a warm congregation, to ''change teams''.
I always answer the MUSLIM posts about ''yet another'' muslim convert: It is EASY to ''become muslim''. All u do to ''accept islam'' is raise a finger and post a picture on Facebook.
(Make sure u raise the correct finger, or u might get in trouble with the trigger-happy izlamists)😐
It isn't ''easy'' to convert to ORTHODOX judaism. in judaism u can't just ''accept judaism ''in your heart''' and ''POOF''. U can't just say the ''jewish shahada'' and point a finger.
it takes a serious COMMITMENT. it takes at LEAST two years of serious study (on average).
One needs a rabbinical advisor, a connection to a viable orthodox community, a legitimate life-plan.
Unlike muslim and christian clergy, orthodox rabbis don't accept just anyone. Why? Two reasons.
1. Judaism does not believe that non jews are ''damned'' or ''unsaved''. Judaism teaches that ANYONE jew or not, is beloved by G'od. Unlike xtianity, there is no ''urgent need to /save/'' in Judaism. If u are a reasonably decent human being, YOU ARE OK, jewish or not!
2. Judaism believes that a conversion is very serious decision. Perhaps the MOST serious decision one can make.
One needs to change the entire life-style, often place of work, place where your children get educated, the entire kitchen, all dishes, etc etc. SERIOUSLY SERIOUS!
Now, in SPITE of all that, there are more christian clergy who CONVERTED to Orthodox Judaism, than orthodox rabbis who converted to the jzs cult, aka christianity. We.simply.know.better.
If u honestly examine xtian 'proofs', every Xtian ''prophecy'' doesn't really prove anything.
In the history of judaism, u might find a handfull of ORTHODOX jews who ''left the fold''. Mostly they weren't ''really'' orthodox, but rather ''orthoprax'', jews who don't really care about religion, even though they grew up in a religious family, for some reason they didnt feel like they belonged socially. I have read many life stories of many jews who left the fold.
Bottom line: compared to judaism (properly observed), xtianity or islam are EASY.
as a muslim u avoid pork, and if u want to be a really good muslim, u pray 5 times a day. Unless u live in a muslim community, most muslims don't bother with 5... So it's relatively easy.
Being Xtian is even easier. U click your heels, u ''accept J'man'' and POOF. u might get irrigated by some precipitation if your denomination demands it, u might do some book learning... but essentially, NO actual change is required. After all, it's ''all in the heart'' 😉
u don't REALLY need any temple, since YOU are a ''temple''. As long as u are convinced that u have mr.Jzs ''in your heart'', that's it 😆, no further actions necessary...
Judaism isnt just talk. Serious religious jews stop all work on shabbat. we eat only kosher. We dress 'kosher'. We need to live within walking distance to synagogue, no driving on shabbat. We need Mikva. Mezuzas. Tefillin. Tallit. Tzitzit. Religious school for kids. Which all aren't cheap...
And yet. I'll bet u won't find more than ten truly orthodox rabbis IN HISTORY who left judaism. (The one's which left were often disgraced because of something ''unkosher'' they did.. )
I PERSONALLY know several ex-christian PRIESTS who became orthodox jews. They have invested their whole life in the Jzs-cult, yet once they honestly SEARCHED for truth, there was no going back, no matter how difficult being jewish might be...
There simply is ZERO scriptural support for the Jzs worship, aka Christianity, in the Torah.
Every single of supposed ''proof texts'' of Xtianity does not stand scrutiny. There is ZERO Torah verses that ''prove'' Jzs.
You can write me, we'll go through them all...
That's a FACT. You can ''believe'' in various ''foreshadowings'' Xtians claim, but the simple fact is, you cannot accept Torah and follow NT. And since Xtians agree that Torah is indeed G-od's word, forever binding, it puts them in a pretty difficult spot theologically 😆
Very very very few really educated jews drink the Jzs kool-aid. No matter how hard living as jew might be, it is WORTH it. Torah is the truth. Jzs cult isn't.
Regardless of your warm fuzzies u feel J'man brings to your tummy...
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