*Even if*...
Even if we were to take the christian testment's claims seriously, and accept that Jzs truly WAS an ''incarnation'' of the Divine...(which i certainly REJECT) So what then?
What ''if''?...
Clearly, even according to christian dogma, Jzs wasnt EVERYWHERE as Go'd is. Clearly Jzs didnיt know EVERYTHING what Go'd knows.
Clearly Go'd cannot 'die' even for a moment, or the universe would collapse! Clearly G'od is a limitless Spirit present above time and space, while Jzs was, by virtue of his physical limitations, limited to his physical body. Clearly, even if we were to consider Jzs as ''one with Go'd'', Jzs would NOT be the SOURCE of power, but mere mere RECIEPIENT. Clearly the term ''god'' cannot always be understood literally, since Torah uses the hebrew root ''E'L'' or 'elohim' as a descriptor of clearly HUMAN subjects. Moses himself is said to be as a 'god' to Pharaoh. The word 'E'L' or even 'e'lohim' is being used as a description of someone who wields power or influence. (This concept is clearly addressed in Rabbi Yehuda's classic 'Kuzari', which can be found in an online translation.)
The ONLY Divine Name that's used ONLY as G'ods Name is the tetragramoton, the Name which conveys temporal and spatial INFINITY, Y.H.W.H.
When the christian testament proclaims ''you can all be 'gods'', it does not advocate that we should don togas and climb Mt.Olympus and start flinging lightning bolts.
It plainly means that each person is able to become powerful in holiness.
Holiness is not just faith in Go'd. If one believes, then all ACTIONS are done with G'od in mind. If one believes, then all THOUGHTS are focused on Go'd.
Now, if we were to accept the christian claims that Jzs was Go'ds son... does it mean that Jzs needs to be worshipped AS G'od Himself ח''ו ???
In the Decalogue, G'od refers to Himself as Go'd our Lord, WHO TOOK ISRAEL OUT OF EGYPT.
Why doesnt Go'd start the Decalogue with introducing Himself as the CREATOR OF THE WORLD?
The Sinai revelation was the ONLY NATIONAL REVELATION OF DIVINITY in the history of mankind.
And, the Sinai revelation is ONLY valid -if we are connected to the historical facts of the Exodus, the ten plagues, the death of the firstborn, the manna, the pillar of fire as real EVENTS, not some imagined 'symbols'...
Go'ds Presence needs to be an actual physical reality, becuz Torah is about our actual physical life being LIVED, followed in sync with Go'ds GPS...
At Sinai Go'ds will became focused and aimed squarely at our thoughts, actions and emotions. Decalogue's message demands we control our time (shabbat), our actions (do not murder, honor your parents) and even our thoughts and emotions (don't covet, don't present false testimony), etc.
According to the christian testament, Jzs was tempted. Of course it is absurd to say that G'od can be tempted.
But each human being is tempted in every way, at every moment. ''Sin crouches at the door, but you will rule over it''.
Go'd wants us to be GUIDED by His GPS, Go'ds Positioning System, Torah. If we get off the Path, we need to 'recalculate'. Go'd has created us. Every weakness, every failing we have, is part of our programming. The Code-writer gave us His Program, Torah, to follow. Every mitzva is gaining us heavenly ''points''. Yet the mitzvas have no power of it's own. They are merely part of 9the program.
Torah leads us to G'od. Our GPS tells us where we are, and where to go.
Does praying to Jzs accomplish anything?
It is clear that G'od identifies Himself, by His OWN WORDS, in the most momentous moment in human history, at the Sinai Revelation, as the ''LORD WHO TOOK ISRAEL OUT OF THE HOUSE OF BONDAGE''.
G'od did NOT say ''Shalom, my name is Jzs!''... He introduced himself as 'I AM LORD.YOUR.G'OD.WHO TOOK YOU.OUT OF LAND OF EGYPT.OUT OF.HOUSE OF SLAVERY.'.
Jzs prayed to Go'd of Israel, not to himself....
Throughout jewish history, the constant message was clear: dedicate your heart, your emotions, your deeds and thoughts and abilities, toward Go'd. Jewish leaders didnt incite jihad or crusades. Jewish leaders were always obsessed how to best apply Go'ds GPS into every area of human existence. Nation of Israel, when it follows Go'ds GPS, is crowned by the noble title of G'ods ''SERVANT''. Servants' role is to SERVE. Not to be worshipped.
But Israel is accorded another title, as Go'ds ''FIRSTBORN SON''. What's the difference between a 'son' and a 'servant'? A servant isnt really a PART of the process, but merely a tool. A ''son'', especially a ''FIRSTBORN SON'', is PERSONALLY interested in achieving his Father's goals. If Go'd is ''MY'' Father, His goals are MY GOALS. i want to make Him proud. i dont want to disappoint Him...
Who/what is the ''messiah''? He's just a leader who furthers Go'ds plan of uniting humanity under a righteous reign of godly leadership. An ACTUAL JEWISH MONARCH who ACCOMPLISHES that purpose will, ipso facto, BE the ''one''.
We all are, when acting according to the Divine GPS, to a degree, acting as ''messiah''.
Each mitzva adds another brick to the foundation of the Third Temple. But it will be the Actual Messiah who ACTUALLY rebuilds the Temple, returning the sacrifices, the offerrings, and the hymns sung by the entire humanity, as foreseen in the prophets, ex. isaiah 11, lsaiah 56, Zech. 8, 14, Ezekiel 36,.etc etc...
To consider Jzs as an actual 'god' who created the universe and who redeemed Israel -is an insult to the Creator. To equate a bleedable cuttable thirsting and hungering human body as ''Go'd the Creator'', is certainly a violation of ''you shall not take G'ods Name in vain''. To equate Jzs' six hours or three days as a ''messianic'' achievement, is to diminish G'ods history-spanning vista to some single snapshot.
To equate Jzs with the actual Creator, is to diminish the very essence of our INFINITE CREATOR.
The way toward our messianic redemption might include pain and suffering and sacrifice. But the messianic time will not HAVE any sufferring. In itself, the sufferring is the PROCESS, not the goal.
Can blood ''erase sin''? Can a goat or a ram or a sheep or a pinch of flour by itself ''atone''? Can any spilled blood be considered an ''atonement''? Yes suffering can bring us to repentance, invoking humility and inspiring regret and prayer. But sacrifices are merely a prop. A tool. A ritual designed by Go'd to ease us to repentance. Go'd made us. He's running our VR program. He decided which components to include in the code of the fabric of our reality.
Go'd commanded us to afflict ourselves on Yom Kippur. yet when life is in danger, Yom Kippur is suspended. For Go'd said ''in My statues you shall LIVE''. NOT DIE.
Go'd wants us to return to His Path, no matter how many times we fail (the righteous falls sevenfold yet rises).
Torah writes that Israel will be without the Temple for many centuries. But G'od isnt gone when the Temple is gone. Go'd isnt deaf to our prayers even when we fail.
Go'd is not blood. G'od is not a dead animal slaughtered at the altar.
And Go'd is not a dead human, regardless if u believe that Jzs sufferred ''for our sins''.
Sufferring isnt the goal, but merely a stop on the way.
Sacrifices arent a magical sin-erasing procedure. They are merely a prop to 'recalculate our GPS.
Torah applies at every situation, no matter how far we'd strayed. Our life's code is defined by Torah. And the only programmer who can change it is G'od. and His GPS is TORAH.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
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