Thursday, July 2, 2015
Christianity Disproved
Christianity disproved:
G'od's our redeemer, not some dead self proclaimed 'savior' who didnt even bother saving himself. Jzs did not save anyone, just the opposite.
Isaiah 43, as far as i'm concerned, announces in a CRYSTAL CLEAR message: G'od is our 'REDEEMER' & 'Savior'. not Buddha. not k'rishna. not Jzs.
I don't know how much more clear can u put it?
(Isaiah 43:11) ''I, yes I, am A'donai; besides me there is no deliverer.
12 I have declared, saved and proclaimed —
not some alien god among you.
Therefore you are my witnesses,”
says A'donai. “I am G od.
13 Since days began, I have been he.
No one can deliver from my hand.
When I act, who can reverse it?”
(isaiah 43: 25) ''I, yes I, am the one who blots out
your offenses for my own sake;
I will not remember your sins.''
G'od forgives our sins. G'od saves us and redeems us. no-one else.
Yes, we are born with earthly desires for bodily pleasures, for riches, for revenge etc.
That does not mean that we are born 'cursed' or 'condemned to hell'!
It isn't our fault, it is the way G'od has created us. And, only G'od can forgive our sins, not some self-proclaimed 'savior' who didnt even save himself.
Jzs's death did not stop anyone from dying. People didnt stop sinning or killing or hungering for forbidden pleasures.
Jzs did not rule as a king. He did not rebuild the Temple. He did not increase the observance of Torah among Jews, nor did he gather all jews from the exile.
Jzs' followers started worshipping HIM, instead of G'od, inventing all kinds of bizzare false baseless doctrines like 'trinity', 'virgin birth' not found in Torah, or self-serving church propaganda, such as a 'spiritual temple' -instead of an ACTUAL one...
Newt Testment cannot be considered as 'prophetic', for it was not written by prophets. Not even by Torah scholars! Many parts of the N.T. are of UNKNOWN authorship! Others are KNOWN to be written half century AFTER Jzs' death.
The writers of N.T...were fishermen and tax collectors, hardly an authority to bet one's eternal soul on!
Xtians quote Jzs as saying: 'know the tree by its fruit'...
Perhaps Jzs, not being a real prophet, did not foresee how much bloodshed his followers would cause: Crusades, Inquisition, Genocide of ,,pagans,, auto da fes, pogroms, slavery, forced baptisms and blood libels...
About Jzs 'blood sacrifice':
1. Jzs did NOT die for our sins. He died as result of HIS OWN actions, i.e. his failure, his REFUSAL, to hide or even defend himself against the charges. So it wasnt his 'sacrifice' but his own fault.
2. Jzs didnt 'save' anyone. Was anyone's death penalty repealed? Was any decree anulled bcuz of his self-inflicted death???
3. Torah does not count HUMAN sacrifice as a way of atoning of sins.
4. A sacrifice which comes back to life (as Jzs was believed to by his followers) is not considered 'kosher'.
If a priest offers a sheep or a goat, and it somehow comes back to life, it wouldnt be considered a 'kosher' sacrifice.
5. did Jzs 'conquer' death???
If he had lived for nine hundred years, that might be considered as 'conquerring' death. But awaking from a three-day coma??? That's not real death... And, news flash: people are STILL dying. So death isn't ''conquered''.
6. jzs was NOT sinless. Suicide is a serious sin.
Allowing his students to break Shabbat is a serious sin- publicly desecrating Gd's day of rest is a tremendous desecration.of Go'ds Name.
Implying that one is a 'god', leading BILLIONS to be guilty of heresy and blasphemy and of taking G'od's Name in vain???
How great is such sin??? so no, Jzs was not sinless.
check below for sources to explore further:
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why isnt Isaiah 53 about jezes?
ReplyDelete(for full answer, go to
But, in summary, Isaiah.53 mentions a SUFFERING servant.
Did Jezes suffer, aside from the time on the cross? Was he persecuted? He was free to hobble around , teach, argue and curse the sages of Israel...
Not really. He had a regular life. He was a wandering preacher with squewed ideas. Jews always argue among themselves. Nobody stopped him. He lived in peace.for thirty years.
Until he started going around and implying (or openly stating, depends on whose version u follow) that he was some kind of messiah/spiritual king/Gd's messenger/Gd's agent, NOBODY bothered him.
So, no, i CANNOT honestly state that he was mocked or persecuted.
jezes did not live or teach for very long, and he never married, so- no kids.
3. isaiah.53 mentions burial in a KNOWN place:
'rich man's grave'.
jezes' grave is not known. so it CANNOT be him referred to in isaiah 53.
4. jezes did NOT die for our sins. he did not turn many to righteousness.
he died as the result of... HIS OWN ACTIONS.
He could have run away, or hid, or at least hired a lawyer or speak in his own defense.
He refused...
So what if he was wounded? millions of jews were wounded.
That doesnt make him a messiah.
that doesnt make his death an atonement for our sins. His very death WAS a sin!!!
did Jezes accept his fate? once he was on the cross, he realized that endangering his own life, causing his own death, is a GRAVE sin. in fact he is quoted moaning ''My Gd, why have u abandoned me'' a direct quote from psalm 22.
Deleteto pray to a physical representation of Gd, is considered 'taking Gd's Name 'IN VAIN' !!!
DeleteThat is considered so serious, that Gd Himself considers it 'hateful'.!!!
See the ten commandments, as well as Deut.4 & Deut. 5, two complete passages which stress REPEATEDLY that there was no physical manifestation at Sinai, that Gd is UNLIMITED by either time or space, or any physical boundary.
(Deut.4:12) And the Lord spoke unto you out of the midst of the fire: ye heard the voice of the words, but saw no similitude; only ye heard a voice.
ReplyDelete15. Take ye therefore good heed unto yourselves; for ye saw no manner of similitude on the day that the Lord spoke unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire:
16. Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female...
23. Take heed unto yourselves, lest ye forget the covenant of the Lord your God, which he made with you, and make you a graven image, or the likeness of any thing, which the Lord thy God hath forbidden thee.
24 For the Lord thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.
(Deut.5:8). Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:
9. Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God...
11. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.