Thursday, November 16, 2017


What Christians 'forget':

-Go'd forgives when HE deems right, ex. in book of Jonah and book of Esther, the ENTIRE people were forgiven when they... REPENTED.

-book of Kings 8:46-50 clearly gives example of G'ods forgiveness WITHOUT sacrifices.

-Hosea 14:3 clearly states that G'od shall except our prayers as ''sacrificial bulls''.

-when Lev. 17:11 mentions that blood 'atones' it states ''wuhich l (Go'd) have given it to you''. Since at present G'od has NOT ''given it to us'', we resort to other means- prayer good deeds and repentance.

-sacrifices were NEVER commanded for the gentiles.

1 comment:

  1. Our deeds matter. Yes, G'ods grace is free, but we need to make an effort, not just ignore Go'ds commandments.
    See Ezekiel.33:11-20, lsaiah 44:22, lsaiah 58:6-14, Ez. 36, psalms: 23, 27, 32, 33, 119, 130...


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