Saturday, March 4, 2017

•Gen.3:15• NOT about Jzs!

Gen. 3:15 talks about Go-d telling the §erpent that his seed (progeny) (zera in hebrew) will bite Eve's progeny, and her progeny will stump on §erpent's head. It is a very mysterious passage, and many commentaries have been written about it, expounding the lessons of this whole story.

Xtians, who are desperate to see Jzs in every Torah verse, no matter how preposterous and improbable, have tried to °sneak° Jzs into this biblical narrative, in a very fittingly §erpentine ploy!

How did they manage to 'see' mr.J in here? They claim that since ''seed'' is singular (it certainly is NOT!), it must refer to some future messianic figure who shall 'conquer' the temptations of the insidious §nake, the incarnated evil...
Why such interpretation is wrong:
- ''seed'', 'zera' in hebrew, simply means 'progeny'. It might be either singular or plural, but it is often seen as referring to one's future descendants. For example it is used when Torah collectively talks about Jews, collectively referred to as 'seed of Jacob' or 'seed of Israel'.

Here in Gen. 3:15, it CLEARLY refers to Eve's descendants, e.i. ALL OF HUMANITY.

-The verse does NOT mention any messianic final day of ''killing'' the snake. It rather talks about every generation's mutual STRUGGLE between the snake's progeny and Eve's progeny.

I would like to note the patent FALSITY of Cristian claim that J's three day ''death'' has somehow rendered sin and death ''defeated''. We CLEARLY see that: after J's 'death' people keep sinning and people kept dying. So the claim that J ''won'' over death, or over the evil inclination is impossible to make.

(As of some future  messianic time, as Jer. 31 predicts, G-od's law will become deeply entrenched in our hearts, which CLEARLY has not happened yet, so there's ZERO justification to see mr. J as 'messiah' or the ''slayer of sin'' or a ''conqueror of death''.)
-As a fascinating additional note, in Cristian book of John 3:14, J himself is quoted as comparing himself to... the §NAKE!!! That's right. J compares himself to the copper snake Moses built according to G-od's command, to (heal the Israelites bitten by 'fiery serpents' on the desert, as related in Num.21:5. As we know, the serpent's image represents incarnated embodiment of evil temptation. In Num.21, the idea is to DISARM the power of temptation which ''whispers'' into man's heart by veiled innuendos: The hebrew word for snake is ''nahhash'' from root 'lahhash', to whisper, since the snake ''whispers''/ hisses. We can disarm him by bringing his whisperred half-truths into the light: subjecting them to rational scrutiny.
-Cristians absurdly claim that without J one is unable to overcome sin or become righteous. It is  demonstratably FALSE, as there are many righteous people mentioned in Torah, some who sinned and REPENTED (David), some who were deemed righteous in spite of some mistakes (Moses, Noah), and some totally pure like Enoch.
As Torah states in the story of Cain, ''sin crouches at the door, but you can rule over it'' (Gen.4:1-15). There is no verse telling us to ''accept'' a human incarnation of divinity or 'be damned'. The only way to holiness is to ACT holy, i.e. according to teachings of the Torah.
And an important part of Torah is rejecting any false whisperings of the §erpent: we don't become righteous by praying to the snake, but by ACTING RIGHTEOUSLY.

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